
Thanksgiving Week: We're on Vacation!

Photo courtesy of m.bibelot's flickr account.

It's the holidays and we're already beat, readers.

We need some R&R and that means a few days off from blogging. In the meantime, enjoy your week, hopefully you all have some time off, whether or not you're celebrating Thanksgiving.

I'm off to spend my first holiday with the guy. Eep! I hope his friends and family like me. Recommendations on what to pack for a Thanksgiving in Chicago with your boyfriend? I'm really asking!

S is resting up from the flu (blah) and work (blah) so I hope she's able to curl up with some books, some old films, and lots of good food. Oh S, how I wish we were spending Thanksgiving as carefree as we were spending it together last year. Such is life. Tide and time, as my mom says, waits for no one.

But wait you say? What about the secret spectacular giveaway?

It's coming....Check back after Thanksgiving to enter our most fabulous prizes yet!

Stay thankful, we're thankful for you, and thanks for helping Stuff Under Twenty make it to a year!

We love you all,

N + S


  1. We are awaiting you in Chicago, wishing and hoping you will like us!!

  2. Have a great vacation! Can't wait to hear about the giveaway!


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