
weekend words

It's been a long and crazy week and by the time this weekend word comes out, I'll be on the other coast, soaking up information like a sponge at a three day conference and hopefully bonding with fellow feminists. I'm officially off the grid - no internet or phone service here - so it's lucky there's such a thing as scheduled posts.

In addition, I'm missing the guy's birthday as we speak. So far we have never celebrated a birthday together. Maybe when mine rolls around...Anyway, Happy Birthday guy and I hope you're having the time of your life this weekend. His birthday gifts on my end currently include Bob Dylan concert tickets (someone tell me this was a great gift!) and maybe something else if I find it. I'm the kind of gift giver who has to stumble upon the right thing to actually end up giving a gift.

S is also out of town again, as we both continue a whirlwind tour through the country without ever actually running into one another. I can't wait to hear about this weekend in particular, as she's off to see a friend I'm eager to hear catch-ups about.

Until we're both back in our homes, let us know what you're up, let us know what you love and hate that's under $20 and keep entering our giveaways.

Wish y'all were here,

N + S

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