It's that time of the year again. The time when, in school or not, everything starts to get a little faster, a little cooler, and a little crazier. N and I are gearing up for travels, starting with me to the South and N to the greatest city in the world (tm) this weekend/week, then a jaunt to the Pacific Northwest, and a trip to the opposite coast soon after. Before we know it, September will be over! We're excited to announce that this will be a month full of fabulous guest bloggers. We invite you to contact us if you're interested in contributing a day of items under twenty.

1. I hit my maximum height in 5th grade. For a little bit there, I was the tallest kid in class.
2. I listen to music by finding a song I like, playing it 200-300 times in a row, and then never listening to it again.
3. The last song was "Waking Up in Vegas".
4. I read romance novels in a BIG way. I was going to stop with that sentence but I think I'm running out of authors to check out so I'll put out a plea for suggestions. I like Julia Quinn, Jayne Ann Krentz, old Julie Garwood and old Elizabeth Lowell and old Judith McNaught (before the romantic suspense!), Susan Andersen, Marilyn Pappano, Catherine Anderson, sometimes Eloisa James, sometimes Lisa Kleypas, and sometimes Rachel Gibson. I don't like Nora Roberts, Jennifer Crusie, or Susan Elizabeth Phillips. And Diana Gabaldon is fine, but not really what I'm going for. Okay, blog, bring on the suggestions and/or jeers.
5. I live in an oft-but-not-too-too-oft-evacuated zone and I have an evacuation list taped to my fridge. Among my technology, photographs, documents, and personal affects, I have my black dress, my brown boots, and (newly!) my red cowboy boots listed. Make one; it'll surprise you what you care about.
6. 2009 has been one of the hardest years of my life. My best friend died in January and it felt like everything I was looking forward to just stopped. But I've learned that with lots of love and support, and a blog to keep you busy along the way, time keeps going and does get just a little easier as you go through it. What a downer fact! But you know, I feel like I want our readers to know what's up with us, truthfully. So there it is.
7. I really don't like when people rub their feet together when they're in bed or on the couch. I hate the sound of dry feet rubbing together! It's like nails on a chalkboard.
8. Another foot related fact. Everytime I look at someone's feet, I think they have 6 toes on each foot initially. My mind goes "6 toes!...oh wait no" And sometimes I count them to be sure.
9. I'm really quick to begin speaking like other people. Not accents, but the phrases they use and sometimes the tone. Right now I sound like my mother, my co-Stuff Under Twenty partner in crime, and one other person who knows who he is.
10. I watch a ton of tv. I never used to watch a lot as a kid but now I really watch a lot of it. It's not good or popular tv all the time. Right now, I'm a huge Mad Men fan. But I've been watching Burn Notice, Royal Pains, Castle, Lie to Me, The Mentalist, The Real Housewives, The New Adventures of Old Christine and Bones in the last few months. Feel free to tell me I'm crazy on this one.
Have a great long weekend, readers. We know we will!
N + S
#10- Why do critics and viewers love "Mad Men" so much? And I do think "Castle" is surprisingly good.
ReplyDeleteLetta -
ReplyDeleteI felt the same way about Mad Men. Then I started watching it. I personally just love the character development and all the complicated stories that talk about a period of time that is often highly romanticized. I've always been a fan of those kinds of period shows though.
I think a lot of people watch it for the fashion...
Also, yay a fellow Castle fan!