
weekend words

Hi Readers,

Oh, weekend words, how quickly you come, I don't even think about you until I remember that it's Friday.

S and I had a spectacular weekend together, spending hours catching up and creating new inside jokes. So the rest of the week was a bit blue - though last Sunday was good, I got to hang out with the guy's friends from college and we feasted on Ethiopian food.

But this weekend word isn't about last weekend it's about tomorrow and Sunday - there isn't much to report. S is at home, headed to happy hours and then who knows? I'm off to one of the guy's coworker's band's performances and then maybe a BBQ tomorrow. Mostly I'll be gearing up for Monday, since I've been hired to oversee a new project for a company. I'm really nervous about the whole thing because it's going to make my life very hectic - but hopefully in a good way!

Tell us what you're up to readers! And remember, we have a new giveaway set up which means those lovely prints from riotjane are still up for grabs through Sunday!

N + S

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